It is said that God fixes everyone’s life in advance. Nothing can happen without his consent. If God has written life big, then no one can spoil it even if he wants to. One such example is three-year-old Laurel Phizacklea living in Cambridge. When Laurel was born three years ago, the doctors had clearly told her parents that her life would not be saved. But now three years later, after Laurel’s surgery, she is living life like a normal child.

After birth, when doctors took Laurel out of her mother’s womb, many of her body parts were hanging outside. Laurel’s buttocks, her liver and her stomach were protruding. Now the doctors have performed his surgery. The doctor has packed all his body parts inside it. When Laurel was born, she was put on a ventilator for several weeks. But now Laurel is living happily at home with her parents.

Several operations done in three years
After Laurel’s birth, everyone had given up hope of her survival. He was brought home after being on a ventilator for 13 weeks. But after this, after several surgeries one after the other, the doctors fitted all the body parts of Laurel inside her body. Laurel’s mother said that she herself was scared when she saw her daughter for the first time.

Doctors had advised abortion
After Laurel’s surgery, her mother now told that she is very happy with her daughter’s condition. His daughter was born in Cambridge in 2018. Earlier, when Laurel was pregnant, doctors had advised her mother several times to abort the baby. But Laurel’s parents decided to give birth to her. After the surgery, Laurel keeps showing her body to everyone. For some time after birth, his parents used to keep his protruding parts well packed in plastic to avoid infection. There was a hole in his heart too. The doctors have now saved Laurel’s life with all their hard work.